Frequently Asked Questions

Can I buy just the Minnow Catch System without the bucket?

No. We sell the bucket with the Minnow Catch System because throughout our testing we discovered that certain elements were necessary to make the catch system operate at its maximum potential. We have incorporated those elements into the minnow bucket. The Minnow Catch System will work in other buckets and containers, but not nearly as effectively.

Does your minnow bucket fit in a 5 gallon plastic bucket?

Our minnow bucket fits in a 5 gallon plastic bucket if you slightly shave down the ears that hold the rope. You can do this with your fillet knife or another sharp edge.

How quickly do the minnows go into the catch?

The minnows typically go into the catch in a matter of seconds. All you need to do is have the catch sitting on the bottom of the bucket against the flat slide and have the handle clipped into the handle clip to hold it steady. The minnows will follow the design of the bucket and get fed right into the catch.